• How to SSH into AWS Elastic Beanstalk


    Hello reader..! few days ago i had to deploy a docker container to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It's really easy to deploy containers using AWS Elastic Container Service. But if you want to pull a docker image from DockerHub we have to do some additional configurations. So i thought to SSH into the EC2 instance and play-around there. Let's see how i did it. 

    What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk ?

    I hope all of you know what Cloud Computing is. A number of cloud vendors including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure & Google Cloud Platform offers development tool to help make the process on deploying applications more simple and secure on a PaaS (Platform as a Service) model.

    AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, PHP, .Net, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go and Docker. A developer can easily deploy an application without provisioning the underlying infrastructure while maintaining high availability with load balancing, auto-scaling. You only pay for the AWS resources need to run your applications. Beanstalk allows developers to just focus more on developing code for their application rather than spending time on managing and configuring servers, databases, firewalls and networks.

    Also, it has a CLI tool called EB CLI which you can use to deploy your application right from your terminals. 

    To Learn More : https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/

    What is SSH ?

    SSH stands for Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell. It's a cryptographic network protocol that allows two computers to communicate and share the data over a network. It's used to login a remote server to execute commands and data transfer from one machine to another machine.

    Step 1 - Creating an Application in EBS

    As the first step we need to go to AWS console and navigate to Elastic BeanStalk. Then create a new application. I chose Docker as my platform.

    Create New Beanstalk Application

    Once you create you application, Beanstalk will automatically create Auto Scaling, Security Group, Cloud Watch & EC2 instances for you as you can see in the below image. This process may take up to 5 minutes.

    Create New Beanstalk Application

    Once the application created successfully you may see the health status as Ok, if the application running successfully.

    Status of New Beanstalk Application

    Step 2 - Creating new Key Pair

    Once we created a New Beanstalk Application an EC2 instance will be created automatically. So we have to create New Key Pair for the EC2 Instance and attached it to the Beanstalk Application.

    EC2 Instance of the Beanstalk Application

    Go to Instances -> Key Pairs -> Create Key Pair

    Create New Key Pair

    Once you create a new key pair. Download the key.pem file and store somewhere in your PC.

    Step 3 - Change the Security Settings of Beanstalk App

    Once we created a new Key Pair, we have to attach that key pair to our Beanstalk Application. 

    Go to Beanstalk App -> Configuration -> Security
    Beanstalk App Configuration

    Change Beanstalk EC2 Key Pair

    Step 4 - Enable SSH from Security Group Rules

    If the SSH protocol not configured in the security rules, we may not allowed to SSH into the EC2 Instance. 

    Go to EC2 Instance -> Security Group -> Add Inbound Rule

    Check whether SSH has already enabled. If not add a new inbound rule shown below.

    SSH | tcp | 22 | 22 |

    Inbound Rules of the EC2 Instance

    Step 5 - Let's SSH into the Beanstalk EC2 Instance

    As the first step here, we need to change the .pem file permission. So run the below command in your terminal. Make sure your file path is correct. 

    chmod 600 filename.pem 

    Once you changed the file permission you can SSH to the BeanStalk instance. Follow the below code. You have to replace the ip address or you can use public DNS as well.

    ssh -i keyfile.pem ec2-user@

    SSH into Beanstalk

    Done..! We are successfully into the BeanStalk Instance. 

    Step 6 - Deploying a Docker Image from DockerHub (Optional)

    It's completely an optional step. Since i chose Docker as the application platform i am going to deploy a container. You can deploy your web applications too. 

    For my final year research project, i have developed a web service which can recognise human emotions from the human facial images. So I've containerized the application and kept on DockerHub. Before running a new container, we have to stop or remove existing containers running on our application. There will be a default container running for all new BeanStalk Container Applications. You can use below command to check the status of the running containers.

    "docker container lsor "docker ps"

    To remove running containers use "docker container rm -f container_id"

    Now its time to pull my docker image from Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/safnaj/emotion-api). Run below command to pull a docker image.

    "docker pull safnaj/emotion-api:myapp"

    Pull Docker Image

    Once we pulled the image successfully, lets check the image using "docker image ls" command.

    Now we can run our container. Since i have deleted the existing container the port 8000 is free now. So let's deploy the container on port 8000 using below command.

    "docker run -d -p 8000:8000 safnnaj/emotion-api:myapp"

    Run Docker Container

    Let's access the application via the Public DNS and check.

    Application Deployed

    Hooreyyy..!!! We have successfully deployed our container to BeanStalk by SSH into the BeanStalk Instance. 

    It's not a good option to SSH into the instances of the managed services. But if you want to reduce some extra steps and playaround with your instance, this method would be helpful. Always keep in mind to use this method for Dev or Testing Purpose.


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